Cut and paste the following text into an email. Fill in the details and send to the Membership Secretary.
1. Name:
2. Preferred contact telephone number:
3. Preferred contact email address:
4. Do you wish to join the internal Squash League (YES/NO):
5. Are interested in playing Racketball (YES/NO):
6. Are you interested in playing team squash for Henley against other clubs (YES/NO):
7. Confirm you have read the club GDPR policy and are happy with it (YES/NO):
8. Finally, to help us with our marketing and promotion activities, can you say how you first found out about Henley Squash Club:
By applying for membership in Henley Squash Club, you agree for your contact details to be included on a password-protected page on the club website, to enable other members to contact you to arrange matches.
The annual club membership fee is £60. The Membership Secretary will reply to you with details of how to make payment. Upon receipt of payment, you will be eligible to join the next monthly Squash League and access all the other benefits – full details are here.
For a free ‘taster’ contact the Membership Secretary, who will be happy to fix up a friendly match, or arrange for you to attend a Drop-In session (every Friday from 6.30pm to 8.00pm)